#BloggerProblem 101: struggling to explain blogging to non-bloggers.
We’ve all been there. The perplexed stares, the dismissals, the snide comments. It’s frustrating, mainly because bloggers are fiercely passionate about our craft, yet blogging is a hugely misunderstood industry – and a big one, at that.
Why are so many people starting blogs?
The non-bloggers reading this are here for answers. Why do people blog? I can understand your bemusement. Sometimes I wonder why I’m bothering too. I mean, what’s the point? Can blogging make you rich? Does anyone actually read blogs? Is it just for the free stuff? And how can bloggers compete with Huff Post, Matador Network and all the other online publishing giants with huge budgets and worldwide followings?

This is why I blog

Blogging skills are transferrable skills
Blogging can grow your career
The skills I’ve gained through blogging were more instrumental in nailing job interviews than any other work experience has been.
Will write for travel
The blogging community are bloody lovely
Your blog is all yours
Also, creating content is only one skill. The work is takes to create, maintain and monetise a website is what reaps the best rewards; and that’s something I couldn’t achieve by writing for someone else’s site.
Is there any money in blogging?
What’s next?
The best thing about blogging
What other bloggers say about why they blog
“I started mine as a way to chronicle parenting life with a disability and hoped I might be able to help those in a similar situation.”
Annie from Tales of an M.E. Mummy
“I was going through a really hard time with my mental health and I just needed a creative outlet to escape to.”
Kirsty from Lipstick and Coffees
Amy from Purely Amy
” I have ME & Fibromyalgia and am often bed/housebound. I can no longer work, but my mind is still active (even if my body disagrees)! I started blogging to keep some level of motivation & structure to my life.”
embracingtheclicheblog says
I love this post and your explanation of how you got where you are! I’ve been following your blog for a while now via Facebook and finally took the plunge and started my own after enjoying yours so much! Great read 🙂
mamasick says
I started my blog in order to show chronically ill bloggers that they are not alone. Inspiring people is always great but I love when my readers give ME advice too! Stopping by from Pinterest.
alexdneagoe says
This is really inspiring! I needed to read something like this to keep me going on with my blog!
Amy (Two Drifters) says
Love this! I think you’ve done a great job showcasing what blogging is really like, and it’s true that it opens other opportunities. Great stuff!
nikitaeatonlusignan says
Aww, I love your enthusiasm! 🙂 I agree that it’s wonderful to have all your memories stored online… Can’t wait to be old and grey, perusing my old blog posts! It’s also such a wonderful way to connect with people, and YES, a place to share writing that is specifically yours! I’ll probably never make money from my blog, but I did land a writing job thanks to it, and even if I hadn’t, the thrill of actually having other people read what I write and relate to it somehow is worth all the frustration!
Carmen's Luxury Travel says
“Blogging skills are transferrable skills” Absolutely! Great post, thanks for sharing 🙂
Samantha Rickelton says
Ah blogging has changed my life too – it has allowed me to be my own boss, work from home around the kids (without joining some crazy MLM scheme) and it has opened doors to countless opportunities I could never have dreamed on. Yep – BLOGGING RULES! 😀
McCool Travel says
I blog, well I call it publish, to further legitimize my brand. The perks are the icing on the cake, as they say.
Wyld Family Travel says
cool read blogging brings something different to everyone. i love the networking and meeting new people weather it be face ti face or just constant Facebook messaging
Sue Reddel says
I have to admit that like you I really didn’t read any blogs before we started ours. We wan’t to find a way to share our love of food & travel in hopes of bringing more people together over food. I would totally agree that the travel blogging community is so helpful and supportive. We simply couldn’t do it with them and people like you. Thanks for sharing your story.
wanderingwagarschristina says
I can really feel the passion in your post! Just like you, I think it is truly amazing when we receive an email that one of our blog articles has inspired someone to travel with their kids. I think it’s probably a common feeling among bloggers. We might not all have set out to inspire others but man, it’s a great feeling when you do 🙂
Vicky and Buddy says
This is such an inspirational post. I’ve had a blog for a year and a half now and I love it. I want to inspire others to get out there and experience the world! It definitely takes a lot of time and effort, but it is also so rewarding!
Lara Dunning says
What a great post. It is hard work, but it is great.
beequeenbeady says
BRAVO ?????? it was so hard a couple of years ago to explain what I did to people as a hobby, I still get some slight awkward stares when I do explain but it’s becoming more normal. I love blogging and do it for me! There are many perks being a blogger and that’s great, but keeping authentic and true to yourself is also very important! I will definitely be sharing this with anyone who doesn’t get it!
Bee | QueenBeady.com
marthita says
This was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing 🙂 I’ve been reading a few lifestyle blogs for years now and this week I decided to finally make my own. I’m not sure about the direction, and I’m not concerned about making it a business yet, but I wanted to just join the community and writing has always been a great outlet for me so, in a way, it’s free therapy! Haha. I hope you’re having a lovely week. I’m so glad I came across your blog!
Namnam says
Wow. You’ve got me inspired to start my own now….I find most blogs in UAE pretentious and desperate and this post answered a lot of questions. Good luck and happy blogging