I’ve never spoken negatively about my time living in Dubai on this blog for a few reasons. First, I’d have been arrested, deported or at the very least, my site would have been banned. Second, my Dubai life was a lot of fun.
But with sporadic reports of British tourists getting in trouble for seemingly innocuous acts that break Dubai’s rules and the resulting outrage in the UK media, I thought I’d impart some wisdom about the Dubai rules that too many prospective visitors to the UAE don’t know about.

Do you know what can get you arrested in Dubai? The tabloid reports often err on the side of sensationalism, but they do highlight just how important it is to be aware of the United Arab Emirates’ rules if you’re going to live or holiday there.
Read: my five day Dubai itinerary
How do Dubai’s rules impact tourists and expats?
Watch my Dubai expat life video on Youtube
There’s a common backlashe in the comment sections of articles about foreigners getting in trouble for accidentally breaking laws in Dubai. It’s that he or she should have played by the UAE’s rules.
that’s fair enough – but how many people visiting Dubai know the rules? And are there different rules in Dubai for tourists?
It’s a grey area for tourists and people thinking about moving to Dubai alike. In fact, even those living in the UAE don’t fully know what’s haram (forbidden by Islamic law) and what’s not, so they play it very safe.
Now that I’ve left Dubai, I thought I’d share what I know in the hope that it will help people.

I don’t feel educated enough on the topic to go into depth about Dubai’s laws, but that’s because this stuff isn’t widely reported in the media there.
I was once told that it’s illegal to complain about the weather in the UAE, because it counts as disrespecting the country.
What’s actually illegal in Dubai?
The most important thing to keep in mind when visiting Dubai is that the UAE is at least partially governed by Sharia law. This means part of the UAE’s legal system has been formulated based on religious principles, mainly pertaining to debt and sexual conduct.
Here are the laws and cultural expectations that tourists should be aware of before they book a holiday in Dubai.
Read: My diary recapping my first three days living in Dubai
What the ban on sex outside of marriage in the UAE means for tourists
You may have heard the stories about a woman who reported a rape in Dubai and was promptly arrested for having sex outside of marriage. That’s right, she was arrested.
It made me uncomfortable to be living and earning in a country where I could be raped and subsequently arrested if I reported it. Where I’d be blamed for sitting in the passenger’s seat if a taxi driver ever touched me. Where I’d have to jump on a one-way flight out of the country if I ever found myself pregnant and unmarried.
Read: Is Dubai safe for women?
I’ve always considered myself a feminist (and if you don’t, have a word with yourself), but living in the Middle East made me an angry one.
That being said, I had a huge friendship group of young women who were living in and loving life in Dubai, and for the most part we all acted much the same as we would at home.
Read: What it’s like to live in Dubai as a woman
Amid the skyscrapers, it’s all too easy to forget that you’re in a country that’s governed by Muslim laws and that Dubai’s rules apply to visitors as well as citizens.
Alcohol laws for tourists in Dubai
One thing people can never get their head around is that Dubai is full of nightclubs and fancy hotel bars – but isn’t alcohol illegal in the UAE?

No, alcohol is not illegal in Dubai as long as it’s consumed in a licensed hotel bar and you have a personal alcohol license, which expats can obtain from their employer.
Read: How to survive your first Dubai brunch
Previously, tourists visiting Dubai couldn’t get an alcohol license, but now Dubai is now offering a free 30-day alcohol licence for tourists. This means they’re probably going to crack down harder than before if you’re caught intoxicated without one, unfortunately.
I was once drinking in a bar with my female friend and her drink was spiked. Fortunately, we got her home safely. She went to the hospital the next day and the doctors had only one question: why was she drinking when she didn’t have an alcohol license? Never mind the fact that someone targeted her, and how badly things could have turned out.
Are public displays of affection allowed in Dubai?
Everyone knows the story of the couple who got caught having sex on the beach in Dubai – but can you hold hands? It depends who you ask. I did it when my boyfriend visited me and nobody batted an eye lid, but it only takes one local to take offence and you could find yourself in bother with the police.
Another important rule to know about before you go to Dubai on holiday is that technically, unmarried opposite-sex couples aren’t allowed to stay in the same hotel room.
The hotels turn a blind eye – can you imagine the volume of tourism they’d miss out on if they tried to enforce this?
Co-habiting with a member of the opposite sex you’re not married to isn’t allowed. (That doesn’t mean that Dubai isn’t filled with six bedroom apartments with mixed genders.)
Homosexuality is illegal in the UAE. I know a few gay couples living happily in Dubai and I could never quite understand how they dealt with it.
Conduct rules in Dubai
You have to be careful about which charities you support on social media, the language you use on social media and in public, and definitely don’t take pictures of females you don’t know.
Foreign nationals who are caught disrespecting Islam can be deported.
You can also get in trouble for sharing pictures or videos of accidents etc online.
You can be arrested for verbal abuse like swearing or even raising your middle finger at someone in the UAE. I know someone this allegedly happened to.
Internet and communications
There are restrictions on Skype, FaceTime etc which makes a VPN essential if you want to stay in contact with home. That being said, I’m not sure VPNs are technically allowed…
I was often left feeling like a big pervert when I tried to read a fluffy Cosmo article and was instead served the ‘This site is blocked in your country’ message. It made me wonder what else was being censored.
You should also check whether any medication you’re on is illegal in the UAE before you fly, and obviously don’t take drugs there.
Why I left Dubai
I’d never want to disrespect another’s culture, but it can be difficult to get your head around laws and rules that so completely undermine your own values.
Maybe it was the day a local lady at work asked me how to get rid of the ‘homosexuals’ (the word was whispered in horror) on her Snapchat story. Maybe it was the day I watched a western female expat scolded on the metro for showing both her arms and legs, because – and I quote – “Men might touch you”.
It was a culmination of these moments and other personal reasons, that had me thinking, “I’m done”.
Dubai did a lot for me, career-wise and for my own personal growth. But for me, it could never be home. Most people who move there set themselves an expiration date. The plan is usually the same: get in, keep your head down, make some serious money, live the high life for a bit, then get out.
Some Dubai blog posts you might be interested in
Cultural things to do in Dubai
24 hours in Dubai: how to see the old and new city
The best rooftop bars in Dubai
Funny first world problems Dubai expats face
Use my Travel Resources to plan & book your Dubai holiday
I’m curious, what are your thoughts? Would you live in Dubai? Or holiday there? Did you know about all of this?
These are just my personal views, and I’m not suggesting anyone doesn’t visit or move to Dubai because of what I’ve written. I had a ball there, as you’ll know if you followed my blog and my Instagram during those 14 months. But I prefer to give my readers the whole story, and these are the truths that underlie that glam life in Dubai for expats.
To keep up to date with my blog posts, please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest or sign up to emails so you don’t miss any new posts. I also have a Youtube channel.Pin this

Beth says
This is a really interesting read, and very sensitively handled. I remember being shocked by the racial divide, too – I had no idea it existed quite that much until I saw it for myself – and, weirdly, I couldn’t get my head around the lack of recycling. Dubai is a fascinating place to visit and I loved my time there, but I’m glad to be home xx
Dannielle | While I'm Young says
Oh I totally forgot to include the lack of recycling! It really irked me that some countries are SO careful, recycling everything, when other countries just couldn’t care less about it. I always love hearing other people’s views who have actually experienced Dubai, thanks for your comment Beth xx
nomipalony says
These are the reasons I’d never visit Dubai. Well done for talking about it honestly.
Dirk Singer (@dirktherabbit) says
That’s a super interesting post and it needs to be said. A lot of UK tourists see Dubai as a kind of Mallorca with camels, when as you point out really it isn’t.
The cause of that is Dubai’s accessibility with Emirates flying from regional airports (Newcastle, Birmingham etc), combined with news of people like the Beckhams buying up places over there. So it seems just like any other sun and sea destination – just a bit more exotic.
I was also really interested in hearing your reasons for leaving, thanks so much for sharing all this.
Anja says
I really applaud you for sharing this! To be honest, I’ve never had the desire to visit Dubai after reading so many articles about how women are treated there. A few years ago I read about a Norwegian woman who was raped and sentenced to prison, and have also read the articles you mentioned (and many more). When I visit another country I always read up on its culture, so as to know what is expected of me and what I can expect. Countries where I am so openly discriminated against because of my sex/gender do not appeal to me at all, and so Dubai, and many other countries, aren’t really on my bucket list for that reason alone.
Dannielle | While I'm Young says
I think the thing about Dubai is, that on the surface the country DOES value women – the Sheikh has lots of females in his staff – yet should any of those women find themselves a victim of sexual assault, they wouldn’t be protected. It’s a tricky subject but I really wanted to address it and get it right. Thanks for your comment!
Kate says
Couldn’t agree more. I found it as a convenient place to live in but I too left the country eventually. I must admit that when I first started to live there, somehow I felt that I became a bit materialistic and shallow. I was lucky that I got my senses back immediately. In another emirate(Sharjah), apparently you could also get in trouble if you walk with the opposite sex who isn’t your husband–even if he is you’re cousin! I wouldn’t be surprised because it is where they have made a huge deal about lingerie being displayed in window stores and locals have complained about. Personally, it is the place where from the moment you arrive, you just know that you will leave again. There was no homey feeling even if it was a convenient city.
Dannielle | While I'm Young says
I feel ya, I definitely took on the Dubai Princess persona and didn’t like it one bit. I think it’s technically against Shariah law to be in the same room with a member of the opposite sex that you’re not married to, but for obvious reasons it’s not really enforced in most places. I do find the censorship on ads etc when it comes to women’s bodies crazy – did you ever see that pic where the woman was just photoshopped out and replaced with a beach ball?!
Abhinav Singh says
It echoes my thoughts. There are very few destinations which I have hated in my 10 years of travel. Dubai is one of them. Loved this honest article which states quite honestly why Dubai sucks as a destination. While visiting Dubai I felt as if I was moving around in a jail. I will write my own version soon. Sharing this on Twitter and Facebook.
sabrinatrevis says
Danielle, this is very well written and I’m glad you finally decided to publish it! I think I will never be able to live in Dubai or in any other Sharia ruled country and you articulated the whys in a very clear way 🙂 Keep up the good work gurrl!
Sarah says
Finally, someone who shares how I feel! I really didn’t enjoy Dubai. On several occasions I did not feel safe. Firstly, my friends and I were dancing at a hotel nightclub and we started getting circled by men who tried to grab us. We were with some male friends who lived there at the time and I had to pretend I was married to one of them and we literally had to run out of there and go back to our apartment. Secondly, we were at a salsa night and this gentleman asked my friend to dance so my other friend being British took a photo (we love a picture) and all hell broke loose. He tried nicking the camera, threatening to ring the police if she didn’t delete the photo and we got chucked out of the club by the bouncers.
Safe to say I have no interest in visiting there again.
SindhuMurthy says
This is such a interesting read and I really love the way you have written down your thoughts without patronizing anything. While I had some vague idea about the laws of Dubai, I never thought it was so stringent and that it could apply to the tourists as well. It is always good to read about the customs and social norms of any place we visit or stay. But with Dubai, I realize that one needs to be way too cautious to avoid getting into any trouble.
Mike Pole says
Thanks for that well-written report. It’s nice to have it laid out out so clearly. What locals can take offense at can catch out even the best intentioned traveler, but usually without such bad consequences!
Elena says
My profession is in high demand in Dubai and paid well, but my second passport is Israeli, so they would never let me in anyway. And maybe this is good – I am extremely intolerable to the crap you are describing.
Sandy N Vyjay says
It was interesting to read this candid post about Dubai. Always beneath the gloss and glamour of many of the cities of the world there lies an underbelly which is not all that preety. But these experiences need to be shared as it will be a guide to other visitors who are realistically aware of the issues.
Maddy says
Very glad that I read this. We (as an unmarried couple – shock!) are heading to Dubai for the first time soon and whilst we do have some idea of the restrictions of Sharia law, a lot of this was new to us. Thanks.
Cristina G says
This is by far one of the most interesting and helpful blog articles I’ve read in a long time. You’re incredibly brave, I don’t know if I could’ve done that if I were you. Not because I don’t care about what happens but because after living there and having a great time there, you don’t wanna be banned from that place…
Anyway, with this article you’re doing many people a favor. Dubai is rising in popularity, so many people are going there on holidays but so few know that there’s actually sharia law there. Everyone is always so negative about Saudi Arabia but Dubai has the same laws (though it is not AS bad as Saudi).
Suitcase And Wanderlust says
Thank you for sharing this honest article. It is hard to believe, that a country like Dubai with all its bling bling has this other side. I know it has, although as you already stated, you do not read a lot of it in media. I was not aware about the alcohol license…
Katherine says
This is such an important post, thanks very much for sharing. For starters, I would have been in trouble photographing crowds etc. It’s a bit sad that some of those rules exist, but it’s better to be informed about them so that you can avoid consequences.
Rajlakshmi says
I am so glad you wrote about this . Love your honesty… I have only seen pictures of glittery Dubai, with sky high buildings. No one talks about how it feels like living there. Great post.
Neha Verma says
I live in India. My own country is conservative to some extent like public display of affection is not widespread, you should wear conservative cloths, but then no one cares if you really don’t do these things. There are no ‘rules’ as such, it’s more about respecting the local culture. But to know that a place which has rules to imprison women who have been raped actually exists – that sounds unbelievable to me.
Emma | Paper Planes and Caramel Waffles says
This post is so good, Dannielle. I’m so glad you’ve shared the “other side” of living in Dubai. I’d really like to visit Dubai and some of the things, that I’d already been slightly concerned about, you’ve highlighted in this post do slightly put me off. I think I’d feel like I couldn’t quite relax properly out of fear I’d do something completely innocent yet that’s potentially illegal in Dubai. I suppose like anywhere though, it’s just being aware of your surroundings and the culture you’re in and it still must be such fascinating place to experience.
Dannielle | While I'm Young says
Thanks Emma! I do still think it’s an amazing place to visit, absolutely. After all, most tourists go, have a fab time and come home safe. I just think it’s important to highlight this stuff because so many people use my blog for advice about Dubai, and so far I’ve only ever shared the cliche glam expat lifestyle side of things.
Midknight says
Which of your values are so different?
My values aren’t that different from those of Dubai to be honest. I don’t think it is necessary to drink and do drugs in the street and it’s not necessary to kiss in public, why can’t that just stay private? What is that important about kissing in public?
I also think it’s not very bright to have sex with regularly changing people just to try one another out. The thought of getting married and being faithful to one another seems quite charming instead. But I guess the Western society prefers to hump each and everyone like there’s no tomorrow.
The problem about collecting money seems fine to me, too, because money laundering actually is an international problem, and you just never know where the money people are collecting will go. I do not mind that Dubai thinks it should be registered before you’re allowed to ask for funds.
It all has reasons you just need to think harder about before judging.
I actually would like to live in Dubai. To bad I can’t yet, but I will try to in the future. In case someone has a job in Dubai for me contact me.
Caroline says
What about the homophobic, sexist and racist values? I’d REALLY hope they’re very different to most people’s. I don’t think many people would say that their values line up well with Sharia law.
Having sex outside marriage doesn’t have to mean ‘humping everyone’ – but even if it does, that’s someone’s own business and doesn’t affect anyone else. Not everyone chooses to marry their long-term partners, either. Some are fine with living together and/or having children without needing to add the label of marriage for religious or cultural purposes. I don’t see why the legal status of marriage should affect how couples are allowed to live.
Caroline says
Hi Danielle, just found this post and have to say it was a breath of fresh air after seeing so many gloss over the huge issues in Dubai in favour of the glam image it portrays. x