There are hundred of reasons so many young women choose Dubai as their playground in their twenties and thirties, and you’ve probably heard the main attractions before. Why would a woman want to live in Dubai?
Tax-free earnings, unadulterated luxury at weekends and a year-round tan are frequently reeled off as reasons to move to Dubai, but people outside the sandpit often don’t know much else about what it’s like to be a young woman living in Dubai.

I’ve already covered whether Dubai is safe for females, now it’s time to look at the real perks.
I’ve now left the sandpit but in the name of research, I asked the members of my ladies-only Dubai expats Facebook group what they actually like about living in Dubai. I asked them to be specific, because if you’re a lady thinking of making the move out there, you want to know the real deal, right?
Here’s what they said. Some are pretty obvious, others might surprise you…
Why do so many young women choose to move to Dubai?
Watch my full-length Dubai expat life video on Youtube
“Ladies can get free drinks any night of the week if they look hard enough.”
“Not doing our own dirty work. Everyone has maids, drivers and gardeners.”
“When everyone back home is waking up to a dark morning in October, we’re sunning ourselves on the beach.”
“How easy it is to make friends.”
“Petrol prices!”
“Private toilet stalls everywhere you go. Like, there are no gaps in the doors.”
“Being able to try loads of American foods from the supermarkets.”
“Hands down, without a doubt: McDonalds delivery.”
“All of the big music events that happen here.”
“I love when I first heard people saying “The weather is finally cooling down enough to go to the beach”…. being from Cali, that’s completely opposite from what I’m used to hearing and sounded totally weird!!! So I would say, bikinis in the winter are what I love about Dubai.”
“Endless career opportunities.”
“On Monday when all your Facebook friends in other parts of the world are complaining, you’re already over the struggle – because our working week begins on Sunday.”
“Being able to sample any cuisine at any time of the day.”
“Being able to have someone pick up your dirty laundry from your door and bring it back pristine – through an app.”
“Waking up after a flat party and saying, “Who has a good maid’s number?””
“Having an endless reel of impressive places to take your guests.”
“The location. We’re perfectly placed for quick weekend jaunts to every corner of the globe.”
“Brunch. It’s a lifestyle.”
“All of the sneaky ways to save money.” Check out these apps and websites for Dubai expats if you’re not in the loop yet!
“You can get everything delivered – even a single can of hairspray.”
“Feeling safe in a dark carpark at 4am.”
“How multicultural it is.”
“Driving past a camel on the back of a pick-up truck, right when you least expect it.”
“The weekends are like mini holidays.”
“You don’t need to cram everything in to a 9 hour work day as everything stays open late! Who doesn’t love a late night mall shop?”
“Lifestyle… 100%. Especially when you’re from where I am, which has barely anything to offer at weekends. There’s something going on every night too!”
“The fact your friends back home pay £££ to go on holiday and chill on a beach for a week and we have lifetime access to the most amazing beaches.”
“Prettttty much every residential building has a pool, sauna and gym.”
“It is cool to wake up and have parrots in the palm trees and the ocean nearby and to be able to snorkel and go to a beach day – all for free. Beaches are so nice with shells and clear water.”
“Dominoes pizza and the cinema are both cheaper than in London!!”
I’d love to hear from more female expats in Dubai! Tell me, what are the weird and silly things you like about your temporary home? Leave a comment and share this with your friends at home and in Dubai.
If you enjoyed this post, check out the rest of the posts I created while I lived in Dubai in my Dubai life section. Want to join the party? My guide to moving to Dubai will help you make the move.
You might like: 31 Crazy Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Moved To Dubai
LuxeStyle says
This post has pretty much convinced me I should be living in Dubai lol! It sounds fabulous x
meshack says
Your post has increased my anxiety to visit Dubai. It’s a spectacular place to be. That’s my dream destination
Agness of eTramping says
Dubai seems like a great destination! I completely understand why so many young women move there!